how to address queerness of atoms

queerness of causaility, matter, space, time

on discussion of cells evolving to organize

cells in this instance are spanning multiple feet (40ft)

amoebas can and will sacrifice themselves to help others reproduce

"individuality" is not clear and distinct

queer the nature of identity is inherent to social amoebas


the Blob vs. other

blob = system

nature = moral vs. commie activist (lol)

questioning anthropos and assumed separation of human vs. other

questioning moralism ⇒ nature vs cultures

<aside> 💡 queer itself is a lively mutating organism


post humanist = to understand the materializing effects of particular ways of drawing boundaries of human vs. nonhuman

differentiating doesn't happen outside of "human"

quantum entanglements = inseparability of agenially interaction

agential act = local resolution within phenomenon

cutting things together-apart (one movement)

<aside> 💡 identity is a phenomenal matter multiple within / defracted through itself


examples of "sentient" beings

lightning has "awareness"

stingrays have paradoxical communication

Responsibility entails providing opportunities for organism to respond

quantum leaps

quantum leap = electron jumping from one energy level to another without having been anywhere in between

photon results from the leap itself, but it shouldn't exist in the first place

quantum discontinuity

not the opposite of continuous, nor continuous